Remember, integrity is important if you want to succeed in any job, not just as a pharmaceutical sales representative. The first thing you have to avoid is faking your way into a job offer. Don't use your expense account to supplement your income. Don't touch anything criminal with a bargepole let alone a pair of tongs. Any criminal conviction means the end of your career.
Remember you cannot win a war with your manager. If your manager want s you to jump, don't argue, but ask her how high. Many managers have an eye for detail and they may ask their reps to submit a plethora of reports, analyses, spreadsheets, action plans, weekly synopses, surveys etc. Don't rub them on the wrong side; otherwise you will be in the dock. Your manger does not ask for anything illegal. If she asks for a spread sheet five times a week, do it. You don't lose anything. That is what exactly you are expected to do. If you want to retain your job, the first thing you have to do is to obey orders even if they clash with your ego. Remember ego is purely personal. Let it be like that.
Don't postpone paper work. While waiting for a doc don't read People Magazine or play Game boy. Instead use the downtime to get a jump on the paper work. You must be well organized. Poor organizational skills will any day expose you. So it is better to get yourself organized at the earliest. Backlog is a sure indication of your organizational skills.
Always keep your cool. You might have had an appointment with a doc, but when you reach there you may find the doc is not there. Well the doc's receptionist should have informed you about the doc's unexpected engagement. Don't go and fight with the receptionist. You can vent your feelings without losing your temper. You can politely tell her that you understand the situation, but it could have been nice had she informed you of the situation so that you could have avoided the avoidable visit. That way you can earn her respect.
You cannot expect everybody to be your friend. Neither can you expect that everybody likes you. Some of your colleagues may whine about you behind your back. Better ignore them. If you don't there is no difference between you and your whining colleagues.
If you don't agree with the policies of your management, it is better you leave them before you are shown the door. Mind you, no management will be willing to keep whining employees, however talented they may be. There is absolutely no need to burn your bridges. Go away as a friend. One never knows when you may need them again.
Above all trust your management without bitching or whining.